Stream and download audiobooks to your computer, tablet or mobile phone. In fact, ive read a lot of jeff longs other stories, and all of them ive read so far particularly year zero are good stuff. Read the descent a novel by jeff long available from rakuten kobo. The descent by jeff long 1999, hardcover for sale online ebay. Lorenzo carcaterra, author of sleepers and apaches jeff long keeps the pages turning at a feverish pace and creates a world so vivid that we are compelled to follow him to the gates of hell. The descent by jeff long overview at the dawn of a new millennium, humankind faces its ultimate challenge as a demonic horde, led by a satanic overlord, prepares to leave its subterranean kingdom for an apocalyptic confrontation with the forces of good. Anyone else read it and know of any others like it the opening chapter is terrifying. Finally started reading this after having a copy on my bookshelf for. The descent is a novel by former journalist jeff long. He is a veteran climber and traveler in the himalayas and has worked as a stonemason, journalist, historian, screenwriter, and elections supervisor for bosnias first democratic election. Long is an experienced climber, and rock climbing often manifests in his writing many of his stories include plot elements that rely heavily on religious history or popular perceptions of religious events. It is such an obvious attempt to ripoff this author its. But author jeff long pulls them off because he writes with clarity, authority and a great deal of vivid and specific detail. Find the complete the descent book series by jeff long.
I just finished the descent by jeff longhonestly it has to be among the worst books ive ever read. The book was published in multiple languages including english, consists of 572 pages and is available in mass market paperback format. The first edition of the novel was published in 1999, and was written by jeff long. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. It is not that the book was bad, quite the contrary it was really interesting.
Humans discover these people in a series of unrelated events and find themselves making forages into the earth to rid the world of these savages and claim a new. It describes the discovery and exploration of an extensive labyrinth of tunnels and passages stretching throughout the earths upper mantle, found to be inhabited by a malicious species of alternatelyevolved troglofauna hominids. The descent is a great novel and jeff long is to be congratulated. The bgrade pulp horror movie of the same name bears no relation to jeff longs novel. Jeff long born 24 november 1951 is an american writer.
The descent is a story about the expansion of our world, the discovery of new life, and the search for historic satan himself. He has worked as a journalist, a historian, and an elections supervisor for bosnias first democratic election. Hadals had through the centuries, lured humans underground to serve as slaves, breeding stock, chattel and food. It is kind of hard to explain but the book was a hard read, usually i can speed read a book in a couple of hours, this.
The descent hadals, book 1 by jeff long book cover, description, publication history. A pageturner for thinking people, the descent is equal parts ray bradbury and robert stone, michael crichton and t. He has worked as a journalist and an elections supervisor for bosnias first democratic election. Pdf the descent book by jeff long free download 572 pages. Not 100% the way i imagined them for example got pretty lazy with the scarification and tattoos, there should be a lot more and it should be prettier and more organic i think.
Nov 01, 2001 the descent by jeff long is one of the best novels ive ever read. The descent by jeff long 2001, paperback, reprint for. The writing is absolutely terrible, there are so many random threads that dont lead anywhere, characters pop up for 5 pages never to be mentioned again, that whole chapter with the hadal females wanking off the 11 year old boy in a field. The descent by jeff long 2001, paperback, reprint for sale. The descent is a 1999 science fictionhorror novel by american author jeff long. Librarything is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. The 2005 film of the same name contains similar plot elements, but was not based on the book series and is unrelated. Jeff long is his imaginative and disturbing novel the descent, explores the existence of a labrynthine underworld inhabited by horned, gargoyle like, devilish humanoids called homo hadalis hadals. This writer, anyway, benefited from a world of other peoples ideas. Recommendation in deciding on the best book the descent, by jeff long to read this day can be gained by reading this resource. A very long book, but interesting, i am still glad that i bought it at a used book sale instead of paying full price.
I found i could not finish his next book, year zero. Great deals on one book or all books in the series. Jeff long is the new york times bestselling author whose novels include the wall, the reckoning in development with reese witherspoon at type a productions, year zero, and the descent. Get 50% off this audiobook at the audiobooksnow online audio book store and download or stream it right to your computer, smartphone or tablet. Jane kivik free download or read online the descent pdf epub book. The first chapter of the descent is one of the most incredible and horrifying and awesome novel openings ive ever read. Jeff long has delivered what is bound to be this summers really hot read. Nov 01, 2001 jeff long is his imaginative and disturbing novel the descent, explores the existence of a labrynthine underworld inhabited by horned, gargoyle like, devilish humanoids called homo hadalis hadals. Like many great works of horror and science fiction, jeff longs the descent forces terror and awe upon the reader by a vast widening of.
There are so many story lines occurring throughout the pages of this book that it is hard to stay with it. He is a veteran climber and traveler in the himalayas and has worked as a stonemason, journalist, historian, screenwriter, and elections supervisor for bosnia. The descent is daringly plotted and full of surprises from start to finish. Free download or read online the descent pdf epub book. He is a veteran climber and traveler in the himalayas and ha. Descent om by jeff long, 97805151758, download free ebooks, download free pdf epub ebook. I first read his work when i read his superb novel, the descent. The main characters of this horror, fiction story are. The descent by jeff long 1999, hardcover for sale online. The characters are incredibly dynamic, and i just fell in love with ike and ally. I love this book so much that ive read it 3 times in the past 10 years.
This is a fan site for the 1999 novel by jeff long titled the descent and its sequel, deeper. The descent was the first book that i read by jeff long. First of all, ignore most of the blurb on the cover. The rest of the books great too, but wow does it start with a bang. The descent 1999 deeper 2007 untitled third novel tbaexcerpts. In this novel, long tells the story of a newly discovered race of people, the hadals, who live in the depths of the earth. Descent definition, the act, process, or fact of moving from a higher to a lower position. Jeff long is a veteran climber and traveler in the himalayas. The descent hadals, book 1 by jeff long fantastic fiction. Lorenzo carcaterra, author of sleepers and apaches the descent is simply the best horror novel since ghost story, and, on pure literary merit, it could even be called a masterpiece. Edt 2104 gmt cnn in the descent, hell is discovered.
Lorenzo carcaterra, author of sleepers and apaches jeff long keeps the pages turning at a feverish pace and creates a world so vivid that we. A very long book, but interesting, i am still glad that i bought it at a used book sale instead of paying full price it is not that the book was bad, quite the contrary it was really interesting. The descent ebook by jeff long 9780609607022 rakuten kobo. The descent is a 1999 sciencefictionhorror novel by american author jeff long focusing on the discovery and exploration of an extensive labyrinth of tunnels and passages stretching throughout the subsurface of the entire world, inhabited by several species of alternatelyevolved troglobitic hominids who have adapted to their underground condition. The descent audiobook by jeff long, boyd gaines official. A hadal homo hadalis from jeff longs the descent trilogy. He has worked as a journalist, a historian, and an elections supervisor for bosnias. In fact, ive read a lot of jeff long s other stories, and all of them ive read so far particularly year zero are good stuff. I was so excited after the first chapter, which i felt was more or less excellent, but the book goes downhill fast from there. Acknowledgments it is a fairy tale that writers are recluses quietly cohabiting with their muse. Most of the story takes place miles underground and jeff long, a real life cave diver, brings those environments to us through detailed prose. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read the descent.
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